Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How much do the softwares really cost? (and what are the free alternatives?)

These are the actual costs of some of the popular softwares we use:

S.N. Software Price of Genuine CopiesPrice of Pirated Copies
1. Microsoft Windows 7 200 17,0730.650
2. Microsoft Office 2010 12010,244 0.6 50
3. Adobe Dreamweaver 12010,244 0.650
4. Adobe Photoshop 20017,073 0.650
5. VMWare Workstation 20017,073 0.650

A fact: It would cost around N.Rs. 40,000 to buy the genuine copies of 

Windows, MS Office and Photoshop!!


We can't work without softwares and we can't afford to buy them. So we need to use the pirated copies. Right?


There are plenty of free software products available which are as good as the ones we normally use .

The following table shows some of the alternatives:

These Cost a Lot Free Alternatives Are the alternatives better? Where can I find these alternatives?
Windows Ubuntu Linux is much more secure than windows and there are over 30,000 absolutely free (and useful) softwares available for Linux.


Microsoft Office Libre Office Anything you can do with MS Office, you can also do with Libre Office. Libre Office
Adobe Dreamweaver Kompozer or Bluefish Editors I have not used dreamweaver, kompozer or bluefish extensively, so I won't judge. Kompozer

BlueFish Editor
Adobe Photoshop GIMP I think, Photoshop is somewhat better. But with Gimp, you can write your own scripts to get the desired graphical effects. GIMP
VMWare Workstation Virtual Box Both have similar features. So both are equally good. Virtual Box

Final words...

Piracy is theft.

There is no reason for us not to use the free alternatives.

"It is not wrong to be poor but it is wrong to steal."